Monday, August 28, 2006

We recently got back from our family vaction to Sweden, and while I was there I had the chance to hang out with the daughter of a friend of mine. The above picture, we took in a field and had a ton of fun. But this moment... I love..simply standing there soaking up the sun. I can remember that age... and the things that you notice more on a fundamental level. Just hanging out with her, and taking some photos, was like getting to go back to that time and place, even for just a few hours. It also made me aware that my own daughter will reach this age much sooner than I think,,, and I wonder how she will be,,her likes, and dislikes. What will the world look like to her. I really hope she can find the sunshine... no matter where she is standing in life. And I think that is true for all of us... because have to just stand still and feel the earth, and remember we are all given this chance every day to notice our surroundings.

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